Southfields Footcare is a HCPC registered podiatry clinic offering a comprehensive range of treatments for a wide range of foot conditions and nail problems. Common conditions treated are nail management, skin conditions such as corns and calluses, verrucae treatment, bunions, plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails and nail surgery, diabetic reviews, orthotics. 

A routine 30 minute appointment costs £60 . The initial consultation will include a full medical history assessment.

Nail surgery procedures are an hour long appointment and costs from £300 depending on procedure.

SWIFT treatment 3 sessions of microwave therapy for verrucas and warts £300.

Wound checking and redressing appointments cost £40

Home visit services are available to housebound patients Please ask about cost. 

Private Medical Companies may cover your podiatry treatment but it is advisable to contact them prior to the appointment.